Archive of Hale History Project Documents
The History of Hale Project developed out of a series of monthly Coffee Mornings. The first Coffee Morning held in March 2008 included a "history table" displaying old photographs and maps. It proved very successful and at subsequent Coffee Mornings, people brought in their own photographs and old documents - and they continue to do so.
The scanning of these items has created a large archive of material which is available at all the Coffee Mornings.
Subject Files:
- Articles
- Business
- Chapel
- Church
- Documents
- Events (carnival, play, pantomime, fete)
- Events (family: wedding christening burial)
- Farming
- Health
- Houses
- Institute
- Maps
- Military
- Miscellaneous
- Organisations
- Outings
- People
- Pubs
- Resources
- Schools
- Views
- Wartime