Ongoing research projects
People have been keen to find out more about their local history and have been visiting the Museum of Farnham and the Surrey Record Office at Working to see their records, whilst others have been checking their attics and talking to older members in the neighbourhood.People are beginning to deposit their findings in the Project's archive, and a number of projects have been completed including Archaeology, Buses in Hale, and Guiding. Old, and present day names of cottages are being collected and a number of people are working on their particular family's connections with the area over the centuries. The history of individual houses and the local lanes is another topic which is proving fruitful.
Collection of information on various topics is continuing. Suggested subjects of interest which might be pursued include:
- Churches and Chapels.
- Schools
- Shops and businesses
- Pubs
- Wartime memories
- Scouts
- Personalities
- Hale in the Press
- Farms
- Houses and Cottages
- Brick making
- All Sports
- Carnival and Other similar events
- Christmas
- Recipes
- Maps
- Wells
- Care Homes- Dempster-Hale Cottage Hospital-Mary Yolland Home-Sanatorium
- Recreation Ground.